Friday, November 14, 2014

A heart's demise

     A hearts demise is caused by the same thing that can make it flourish....... love.

     Love is a dream, a reality for some. A myriad of changes come to those lucky enough to bask in it's warmth. As fondness sprouts and blossoms, the brightly colored streamers of romance wrap around the heart, bringing light to the darkness of loneliness. The tendrils then spread to bring laughter, friendship, comfort, and a deep abiding love for another person. As time passes, mere thoughts of the one you love can make you smile and memories of your time together can change your whole outlook. This person you care for so much becomes your reason for being, your everything. There's never a moment they aren't in your mind and heart. It's a heady feeling, this emotion they call love. There's truly nothing else like it in the world. And then, the ugly truth comes to light. What if the love you thought was returned wasn't real? What if the one you cherish above all others is untrue and dishonest? What if you find that it was all completely different than you thought. Suddenly, the wonderful flame of love turns to ashes. The burning embers simmer into a deep sense of betrayal and anger at such harsh treatment of the fragile heart you entrusted to another. Betrayal brings bitterness. Bitterness becomes hate. The love you shared shatters in a million pieces taking with it the capability to experience happiness in all but the smallest doses. Emotions ride high in utter chaos as the mind struggles to put things into a new perspective. The wounded heart still yearns for the one that meant so much but it begins to die a slow death as the mind struggles with the pain. Memories bombard you when you least want them and every small thing reminds you of the one you're trying to forget. Those that are truly lucky will eventually obtain a level of indifference. Others will cling to hate in an effort of self preservation. Then there are those, like me, that will forever be haunted by  loss of the beautiful and magical love and all that could have been. The potential of the love you once had becomes a permanent ghost that will haunt your heart and dreams until the last breath leaves you. You may go on in life to have other loves and other dreams but the ghost of love lost will always remain.

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