Tuesday, November 29, 2011

On a more personal note

So far, my postings, while meaningful to me, are still general and lacking much personal information such as opinions and feelings. This time, I think I will take it to a place closer to my heart. I have long been a person that feels as if I was born in the wrong time. I feel like an old soul that has been placed in a time where the confusion and chaos rule supreme and keep me from achieving my true potential. I am sure this sounds crazy to most of you, but I feel there are some of you that will understand what I am talking about. What brought all of this on? I submitted myself to a little bit of self-indulgent sappiness this evening. I watched one of my all-time favorite movies, Little Women. You know, the one with Susan Sarandon and the crew. Well, every single time I watch that movie (which is not often) I find myself longing to be in a different time and place, a different lifestyle so to speak. I long for the closeness of having sisters and friends. I dream of being the kind of mother that Marmieelse's house blocking my view. I want to feel free to do whatever I choose with the home I live in. I want to own a horse someday, to ride with the wind and feel free of the trappings of modern day living. Will any of these things ever happen? I don't know. Maybe not, but I can still hold out hope. But here's a hypothetical question.....if time travel was possible and you could choose what time period you could go to....where would you go? I like so many times and places in history, I think I would have a hard time choosing. Would you take anyone with you or would you go alone and start all over again, fresh and in a different place? There are so many questions, I could spend all night listing them. It is truly an intriguing idea. How many people would jump at the chance to go back in time to escape this modern day chaos? I know I would.

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