Thursday, March 15, 2012

Enough's enough.

     When do you really know when enough is enough? I am at a point in my life where I don't know whether to keep pushing through all the adversity or just step back from it all. I feel like I am expected to meet everyone's perception of perfection, yet that's not possible. I am not a quitter and I don't want to be viewed as one, yet I don't want to have to deal with the lethal dose of bullsh*t I am being exposed to on a regular basis. By taking that step back, I will be giving those against me their victory, yet I will have the perk of maintaining my sanity. I will probably still be exposed to the bullsh*t, but will have the privilege of letting it roll off my back. I am currently without that privilege at this point and I have to say that sifting through it all is among the most distasteful activities I have ever had to participate in. With the amount of things I have going on in my life at this time, I don't need any more stress added to the pile. Then again, do I want to have to despise myself for backing down and quitting? Do I want to regret having the chance to excel in my hands and tossing it away? Do I really want to take the easy road? And will the easy road truly be easy? I don't have the answers to these questions although now is when I need them most. Save for my children, I have never wanted to hold others responsible for their actions. It's simply not a part of who I am. I have always been more of a loner with the occasional need for interaction with others and I like it that way. Why, now, do I have to rely so much on what others perceive me to be? Why should perception be more valuable than truth? Again, no answers are forthcoming. I don't know what the near future holds for me but I am hoping that, whatever decision is made, I can be at peace with it.