Thursday, October 6, 2011

Moving on....

     As the old song said, breaking up is hard to do. Well, so is letting go. letting go of anger, sadness and hate. Letting go of unhealthy relationships and unreal expectations. Of failures and trials, unachievable dreams and unexpected betrayals. all of the things, and more, can cause untold stress and anxiety for those that hold on to them with a surprising tenacity.
     With life rolling by at such a breakneck pace, human tendency to stick with what is familiar is sometimes the one thing that prevents true personal progress. Staying in destructive relationships, fear of moving to a new job, trying to maintain a draining friendship and the lack of self-confidence to aim for higher goals can cause stagnation in even the youngest person.
     Destructive relationships can tear at a person's self-esteem, confidence and a sense of well being. These relationships can be marital, friendships, familial or even business related. It is not uncommon for abuse (physical, mental or emotional) to occur in these relationships. The issue could simply be that one person is a user and abuses the good intentions of the other. Often there is a lack of true affection when such abuse is present. The words "I love you" don't always mean the same to every person. The old line "You only call me when you need something" has turned out to be correct more often than not. Fear of the unknown or of being alone tends to keep people from seeking alternatives for happiness. Sometimes, a person has to reach a true breaking point before escaping such destructive treatment. Once that has happened, it is common for them to find that their fear was unreasonable and that they are in truth much happier than ever expected. This is when they take the time to truly enjoy life and all of the opportunities available to them.
     Fear of moving to a new job can hold people back, especially when they have lost the enjoyment necessary to make their job rewarding. As is happens, there are a lot of talented and intelligent people in the world working at tedious, mundane jobs in which there is only dread when faced with another workday. Stagnation of creativity and drive for success only leads to personal issues like decreased self-esteem and depression. Every single person should have a period of self-reflection and determine what their true dreams for a career are. Then they should not hesitate to take steps in that direction. Taking college classes towards the degree of your choice or even learning a new trade can help you feel useful again. Sometimes, just the effort to make the change can alleviate any feelings of hopelessness such unhappiness breeds.
     Draining friendships are those that often cause one participant inexcusable angst. These are the friendships where one person is completely dependent on the other for even the simplest challenges. Closeness in a friendship is integral to a good relationship but sometimes that closeness becomes clinginess. Of course, the opposite is also true. Sometimes, the issue of breached trust becomes an issue. Without trust, the friendship crumbles and both participants are left with feelings of anger, betrayal and, often, hate. Any of these emotions are destructive in themselves. Every opportunity should be taken to validate your friendships and determine if they are true, or if they are possibly draining your happiness away.
     Lastly, self-confidence should be a given in every person's life. Embrace yourself as you are, acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses and proceed in ways to empower yourself. Take the chance to grasp your dreams, given that they are realistic, and believe in your ability to reach them. Don't let others tear you down or cause you to doubt yourself. you are the only person who knows the real you inside. Keep your head held high and take each step at a time. Just imagine how you will feel when you have climbed the mountain and you stand victorious at the top.
     Moving on from any of these situations is integral to leading a happy life. Letting go of the barriers that keep you from doing so is very difficult. it may mean saying goodbye to someone you love, leaving friends and coworkers behind in your pursuit of new experiences, or even taking a deep look into yourself to determine who you really are inside. All of these things can take time, but once you have the barriers lifted and a clear vision of the future you desire, you will be able to see each step necessary to reach your goals. Along the way, you can build new, healthy relationships with people that will only build you up and encourage your growth. This can provide all the support and guidance you will ever need. So keep on moving on.......before you know it, your dreams can come true.